Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sacred Art of Nepal: Nepalese Paubha Painting Past and Present

is one of the several projects of Handicraft Association of Nepalfor the promotion of Nepalese arts and crafts of Nepal. The sacred artssuch as paubha painting, scroll painting, and miniature ritual paintingshave occupied a significant place in the religious life of Nepal. Thepurpose of this monograph is to arouse a global awareness of the fact thatthe Newar paubha is the precursor of Tibetan thanka painting. The Nepalesepaubha presented in this collection are, along with the Tibetan tankas, aninseparable part of Nepalese life. This book is believed to satisfy thelong felt need of the exporter community dealing in paubha paintings and toenable them to describe it effectively and precisely. This book isdedicated to His Majesty the King of Nepal, Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev,on the occasion of His Majesty's Fifty Fifth Anniversary.


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