Wednesday, July 21, 2010

architecture in Art and Meditation

In Art and Meditation Lama Anagarika Govinda has shared his profound insights into an artist's creative process and has explored the similarities between true art and true religion. His main interest is in the artist who works from the basis of his enlightenment and sees the world around him with changed eyes. For the author mediation is an art while art is a kind of meditation which transcends purely aesthetic values and points to lofty moral and religious ideals. "Complete ending of the self," says the author, "is the ultimate aim of both art and meditation.""Anagorika Govinda has profound insights into the workings of the human soul--its beauty and significance."--J R SantiagoLama Anagorika B Govinda was an artist, monk, traveller and writer, whose works include The Way of the White Clouds, Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism and Insights of a Himalayan Pilgrim. Born in Germany, he described himself as "an Indian national of European descent and Buddhist faith belonging to a Tibetan Order and believing in the Brotherhood of Man." His search for spiritual knowledge began at an early age. He spent years in study and meditation at his Himalayan ashram and is widely recognised as a great spiritual teacher.


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