Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Art and Architecture

Unlike most degree courses, Architecture opens up a new horizon into various other fields that might not be related to mainstream architecture. One can get into interesting options like product design, interior design, advertisement, mass media, computers so on and so forth. Since all these fields require certain creativity and a design sense, an architect can easily fit into them. The starting salary, in mainstream Architecture after a Bachelor's degree, in Kathmandu, varies between Rs. 4,500 to Rs. 8,000. Umesh Kaji Tamrakar is an architect currently working with Astra Development Network (ADN) at Tripureshwor and adding a few words he says, "Like in any other profession, the field of architecture also requires hard-work, commitment, sincerity, and most importantly creativity, to become successful. Kai Weise, Nepal born Swiss, with more than 8 years of experience, concluded our discussion by saying, "It is extremely important that the profession as an architect should be defined clearly and everyone including the government should accept the differentiation between an architect and an engineer, then only can architects of Nepal work properly.


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