Investing in a glass house to grow plants, fruit and vegetables can save money in the long run. It needs to be warm enough to allow the plants to grown and be able to protect them from the elements.Apropos create bespoke aluminium glass houses to suit all needs. They are double glazed as standard with the option of triple glazing. Their glass houses can be designed to match existing glass structures and properties. Apropos glass houses can be built as individual structures, as part of a house or as a glass house extension/ replacement.Alternative use for a glass houseFor those of you who don’t have the green fingered gift do not despair, glass houses can be used as an inside/ outside seating area. You can entertain guests without being sat outside in the British weather. Apropos offer a variety of glazing and door options to suit your glass house needs.When deciding on your glass house, Apropos designers are here to help. They can make suggestions about which glazing is best in your glass house as well as location advice and suggestions on possible uses. All Apropos glass houses are bespoke so they can be designed to suit you and your needs.
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