The Capitol building in Havana City is considered one of the six important palaces globally speaking, and experts assure that this building is an almost perfect engineering masterp
iece, completed during the first decades of the 20th century. Luxurious and majestic, the Capitol is a must-see place for both nationals and foreigners while in Havana City. It is classic to take a picture with one of the very old cameras that surround the building in high quantities. Today, it is the national headquarters of the Science Academy of Cuba and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA, acronym in Spanish).The Capitol was inaugurated on May 20, 1929. The area is around 338 thousand square meters and was built in three years and 50 days, beginning on April 1, 1926, with an approximate cost of 17 million Cuban pesos, which at that time were equivalent to U.S dollars and a fortune to many. The history of Architecture has not witnessed many such instances where a monument of that greatness was built in such a brief period of time. The Louvre in Paris, the Basilica of Saint Peter and many others took hundreds of years before being finally built; the Escorial in Spain was finally constructed after 22 years under the reign of Phillip XI, just to give examples. The name of this building was the final result of a public survey promoted in order to put an end to the debate between Congress Palace and Capitol.

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